Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Notes - Time for Healing

One month home from REHA Klinik. Definitely feeling much better. More mobility which is key. Been in Physiotherapy which is going remarkably well. My husband an angel who has taken care of all house-related stuff in my absence. He's healing too from a minor issue, but we are almost good as new. No photo today. Doesn't seem to be uploading at Blogger.

The surgery and reha experience one for the books. Thus far I have lost 6kg, about 13 pounds which gives you some idea of the stress level, and also a new dieting program.

Looking forward to our 23rd wedding anniversary. We're in for the long haul, old age dilemmas and all.

We wear our masks everywhere and are very careful of social distancing during the pandemic. Thankful to all healthcare staff involved with my healing care post-operation.

Believe it or not, looking forward to the holidays and hopefully a vaccine.

Alles liebe.