Monday, March 4, 2019


We reached 60°F/15.6°C at noon today, but then the weather changed and we are hovering at a cold and misty 48°F/8.9°C. Starting the 1-hour power walks again, but not without arthritic pain in both knees. The joys of turning 50. Sent a box to NYC today. A box that was actually sent in August, was sitting in the mailroom and was not deliverable due to a wrong address; box got returned in February, re-boxed and sent again to the right address.  But crossing the pond twice (plus a return) costs a meager 24 Euros, plus a nominal fee for tracking. Not too bad, eh ? We are in the midst of Fasching in Germany, also known as Karneval. Mostly celebrated in Cologne and Düsseldorf, Germany, with wildly dressed Menschen, candy tossing Frauen, and parade floats, plus light humor at gathering halls in the evening, with lots of beer. Rosenmontag followed by Faschings Dienstag, and then the effervescent Aschermittwoch, (Ash Wednesday) of political events in many cities, with serious political speeches & Demokratie and again lots of beer, fish, and cheese and lox sandwiches, starting at 8am.

We enjoyed a busy weekend which included first-time gel nails for a first meeting of folks for a movie and pizza evening. Back to normal nails with self-care at home.

We are hesitating on any travel as there is an ill member of the family, but still planned for Summer are a 60th birthday party and a wedding in Germany. And in order to fit into the Brussels dress, I must lose weight, not less than 5kg. So I am out walking and dieting, including fasting.

Happy for Spring rain, and lil flowers sprouting from our earth. And ecstatic about March sunshine and warm weather.  Prayers for our soul family in America who are still freezing. Just a couple more weeks. There's hope.

Greetings from under our umbrella. More sunny days ahead.