Martha Stewart posts on Facebook today her Lemon Meringue Pie recipe. You can check various websites for pie recipes as well. Everything is plus/minus. The recipe is basic, but the comments, oh, the comments, some truly hateful such as: liquid lemon curd, or even worse, liquid meringue. Folks, my first try at Lemon Meringue Pie I figured out a recipe, with a lil help from divine sources, but it's really a good lemon curd that must be cooked in a double boiler (water not touching bowl-just steam) with cornstarch and a lil butter and a pinch of salt, for at least 2 minutes, at least till bubbling, then cooled; yet not overcooked, as overcooked has a metal flavor, so light on the cooking, really just a minute or two. And I also add some dissolved clear gelatin to the hot lemon curd. Mix well and strain lemon curd using a sieve. Works beautifully, especially for summer months. As for the meringue, some bakers whip egg whites with white granulated sugar, and add cream of tartar. I don't recall using cream of tartar though it's quite logical to do so. I added some cornstarch to the meringue, and voilà, a rich meringue that keeps its form, bakes beautifully; just keep in mind, egg whites must be warm (eggs at least 2 hours outside of fridge) with no trace of egg yolk, and bowl must be sparkling clean. Also as per Martha Stewart, meringue needs to seal the pie. As you'd likely have extra, there is no reason not to seal that deal. It's been awhile; think we'll make a pie for the holidays. What I did learn today is you can cool your lemon curd already filled in a baked pie crust in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight, and then make your meringue and use the grill setting of the oven to brown the edge of the meringue peaks.
Martha's Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe